I purchased six dollars worth of fake flowers and came home and heated up the glue fun. About ten minutes later, I had this:
Isn't it fun!?!
I spent about three days gathering things - luckily I work at a home decor store and can bring things home on approval. This helped me - having all possible options at my fingertips!
After holding piece after piece up, I ended up with this:
Remember this buffet? It's the piece of furniture that forced me to start a blog. You know, I painted it and it was too bright, then I dark waxed it and it was too dark. Well, my fellow painting friends told me to rub it down with mineral oil - who knew?!?! Let me remind you-
It's just so much better with a little of the dark wax wiped off.
Up next, I am going to do an art wall above my sofa. I have a sectional that fits in the corner. It's not centered on the wall so I wasn't quite sure if I should center artwork in the center of the wall or the center of the sofa- so I figured an art wall would solve the problem.